what its like here on the Islands.
I havent made any jewellery for a few weeks as I havent been very well.
I will try to start again soon.
I did set up my new studio at east camp in benbecula, I changed to a bigger room, and the lovely Ania who does my nails has now got my old room. it has been done up beautifully by her husband as a salon so Im very happy for her. All the mould on the walls that were caused by dampness have been taken away too, so its safere to work in than when I had it.
so my new studio is much bigger and very bright and has a lovely atmosphere. no windows, but all my paintings are on the walls inside the room, and along the corridors of the bunker. the whole building is fascinating. It used to be a nuclear bunker to keep computers safely running in the event of nuclear strikes. there were no facilities in the bunker to keep humans alive though.